Frequently Asked Questions about the Writing Center



How do I schedule a writing center appointment?

Scheduling an appointment in the writing center can be accomplished by directly using the WCOnline scheduling system at or by calling the University Success Center at 256-765-4722.

Note: Students are only allowed to schedule one appointment per day. Writing consultants can only review/discuss one paper per appointment. Also, no back-to-back appointments can be scheduled by students unless given specific permission by the director.

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How do I schedule an online writing center appointment if I am a distance learner?

Distance learners can schedule online or e-tutoring appointments using the WCOnline scheduling system at

Online appointments are synchronous virtual meetings scheduled in Microsoft Teams. Student and tutors meet in real time virtually to discuss a writing assignment.

E-tutoring appointments provide asynchronous opportunities for students with extremely busy schedules. Students attach a paper, along with instructions for the tutor, to a scheduled appointment. Once a tutor has reviewed the paper and provided suggestions for improvements, the reviewed paper is uploaded to the appointment. Students can open their appointment and view the paper with suggestions 1 hour after the appointment.


When should I come in?

You should visit us as soon as possible. Writing is a process that takes time and practice, and you cannot succeed at developing your skills if you wait until the night before the assignment is due. We recommend a three-visit process spread out over the entire allotted time for the assignment: once to get started, once to revise, and once to edit.

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What do I need to bring?

If your professor gave you an assignment sheet or wrote about the assignment in the syllabus, bring those materials. Similarly, if you have notes from a class discussion about the assignment, or if the assignment is in your textbook, you should bring those materials as well. Bring a pen or pencil and some blank notebook paper. Most importantly, bring any notes or drafts of the assignment; however, if you do not have any notes or drafts, see us anyway, and we’ll help you get started!

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Do I need an appointment?

Appointments are not required at the writing center, but they are highly encouraged. Some times are busier than others, so scheduled appointments will guarantee you a slot. Make sure you are on time for your appointment; if you are late, and someone else needs help, you may lose your appointment time.  For in-person, walk-in appointments, we operate on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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What does this cost?

The services at the Center for Writing Excellence are free to all UNA students and to all members of the UNA community.

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Will you fix my paper for me?

We'll do better than that. We will work with you to teach you how to resolve writing issues and correct grammar errors for yourself. We are not responsible for your grade. We only make suggestions and offer advice.

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Who are you?

The Center for Writing Excellence is directed by a faculty member with a Ph.D. in composition and staffed by students who are trained or who are in training with faculty writing experts. Click here to meet the staff!

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How will my professor know that I visited the Writing Center?

Students must notify the tutor if an email of the student's visit needs to be sent to a professor. We provide professors with an electronic visit note that shows the time and date of the consultation, along with the material covered during the session. Professors receive this information by email the same day the writing consultation is conducted.

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What other services do you provide?

Beyond consultations, the Center for Writing Excellence also offers workshops and presentations—for classes, student organizations, small groups, and even residence hall programs. Presentations can cover any writing topic. For more information, contact the CWE director, Dr. Kat Richards at

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